This paper touches on some of the problems with which the chart compiler has to contend in an area such as the Gulf of Suez. It is assumed that readers are familiar with the system of keeping charts up to date through Notices to Mariners and new editions of charts. Details of the system can be found in The Mariner's Handbook. Space does not allow a full evaluation of all the influences source data for charts may have on the final product, and in particular no treatment is given here of one significant area, the influence of source data on choices of chart limits and scales. The paper will look first at some more general points which find expression in the charting of the Gulf of Suez, and then take as an example chart 2375 of the Strait of Gubal, examining aspects of it in detail in the light of the general points raised.
This paper was presented at an International Conference on ‘Navigation in the Gulf of Suez’ held in Alexandria in October 1986.)