Dr. Näcke has here supplemented his valuable and elaborate study of the external stigmata of degeneration in general paralytics by a study of the internal somatic stigmata. The investigation covered the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen. The subjects included 104 general paralytics and 108 normal subjects. The inquiry has been carried out with the care and thoroughness which always mark this investigator's work. He admits, however, the existence of an Achilles heel in his investigation. He was unable to carry out the inquiry on the normal subjects himself from lack of material, and this part of the work was undertaken by Professor Nauwerck, of Chemnitz. The material was so far as possible identical in racial and other respects, and everything was done to ensure, so far as possible, identity of method, but it is admitted that a small margin must be allowed for the varying personal idiosyncrasies of the two workers. It may be added that it seems fairly clear that such allowance cannot vitiate the main results reached.