Medical details are conspicuous by their absence from the great majority of the reports for this year, and it is well that it should be so, though the reviewer is thereby deprived of material of which he could take notice. Were the members of the Medico-Psychological Association appealed to for their opinion as to the proper method of writing an asylum report, we are quite certain that each superintendent would contend, did modesty not forbid, that his own method is the best on the whole. The gentleman who writes one so short that it could easily be compressed into a page of note-paper might justly urge that there is no use in repeating in a report what the magistrates already know; and he would have much truth on his side. But another gentleman may consider himself an adept at writing the Queen's English and, may take the occasion of his annual report to set forth the results of the year's management in an effective manner. The report may then be of local value, although it cannot have much general interest.