The Takata reaction has hitherto been mainly applied as a serum protein test and has been claimed useful in the diagnosis of liver disease.
It has been modified and applied to the cerebrospinal fluid (Takata-Ara (1)). Preliminary investigators found positive results in syphilis of the central nervous system, and it was thought to be a characteristic of this condition. Subsequent workers, however, found that organic conditions other than neuro-syphilis produced similar positive reactions, with the result that the test fell somewhat into disrepute. Now, however, it seems to be established that the test is indicative of a change in the albumin-globulin (euglobulin) ratios in the cerebrospinal fluid. This condition is mainly found in syphilis of the central nervous system, but occurs, of course, in other conditions affecting the central nervous system, especially where degenerative processes are involved.