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Publication process after acceptance

Editing Process

Authors will be consulted during the editing stage about any editorial changes to their texts. Minor standardizations (headings, alignments, references, minor punctuation revisions, applications of our stylebook, and so forth) will not be discussed. Because of the constraints of publishing, authors will be given only a brief window of time (typically, two business days) to respond to editing changes.


Authors will receive final-stage proofs for review, at which time only essential typographical or factual errors may be corrected. Significant changes to typeset proofs require editorial team approval. Once again authors will be given only a brief window of time (typically, two business days) to respond.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, authors are expected to be aware of specific impediments to their ability to be reached at least by email and to respond to editing changes or the final-stage proof (e.g., vacation, conference traveling) within the timeframe mentioned above. They must alert the managing editor of these impediments when the final manuscript is submitted (if they are aware of the impediments at that time) or at least two weeks prior to the time when they will be unreachable or unable to give the article's review their immediate attention. Otherwise, an author's failure to respond to the editing changes and/or the final-stage proof during the time provided will be deemed an acknowledgment by the author that the changes and/or final proof is/are acceptable for publication.

Copyright Forms

Authors (or in some cases their employers) retain copyright of papers and grant ASLME and Cambridge University Press a licence to publish their work in JLME. The corresponding author will be asked to complete a Publishing Agreement form on behalf of all authors. No compensation is paid for articles published.

Gold Open Access

Authors have the option of selecting Gold Open Access publication when they complete their publishing agreement. An author may pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to make their article Open Access; current charges can be found here. Or an author may be eligible for Open Access publication without paying any charge  (or a discounted charge) if their institution is part of an Open Access agreement (also known as Read and Publish/Transformative agreements) with Cambridge. Eligibility can be determined here

Author Copies

Authors will receive a link to an accessible version of their article online for their personal use and to distribute to their personal contacts, subject to the conditions of the Publishing Agreement form. Authors interested in purchasing journal copies at a heavily discounted rate (currently $20 per issue or $18 for bulkorders of more than 10 copies) should contact [email protected]