Conditionally sampled hot-wire and ‘cold-wire’ (resistance-thermometer) measure- ments confirm the general flow picture advanced by Falco (1974, 1977, 1980; see also Smith & Abbott 1978) and by Head & Bandyopadhyay (1981; see also Smith & Abbott) on the basis of smoke observations and more limited hot-wire measurements. The probability density function of turbulent-zone lengths in the intermittent region varies rapidly with Reynolds number, supporting the above authors’ finding that the hairpin-vortex ‘typical eddies’ in the viscous superlayer scale on the viscous length ν/uτ, rather than on boundary-layer thickness. However the average turbulent-zone length, deduced as an integral moment of the probability distribution, tends to a constant fraction of the boundary-layer thickness above a momentum-thickness Reynolds number of 5000, which strongly suggests that at high Reynolds numbers the overall shape of the turbulent irrotational interface is controlled by the classical ‘large eddies’ and not by the viscosity-dependent small eddies. The intermittency profile is practically independent of Reynolds number. The second-order structural parameter $\overline{u^2}/\overline{v^2}$ increases strongly with increasing Reynolds number but the triple-product parameters, with the exception of the u-component skewness, vary only slowly with Reynolds number. This behaviour of the intermittency and velocity statistics is most simply explained by supposing that the lengthscale of the large eddies is nearly independent of Reynolds number while their intensity is somewhat lower at low Reynolds number. ‘Typical eddies’ evidently contribute to the Reynolds stresses at low Reynolds number, but it is probable that the large eddies carry most of the triple products at any Reynolds number. Our results confirm the usual finding that the mixing length and dissipation length parameter increase, while the wake component of the velocity profile decreases, as Reynolds number decreases.