We investigate numerically the transition from laminar to chaotic flow of a Boussinesq fluid with Pr = 0.71 in two-dimensional closed, differentially heated, vertical cavities having aspect ratios near unity. The cavities have rigid conducting sidewalls, and rigid insulating top and bottom walls. The physical nature of the resulting flow is a function of the aspect ratio and Rayleigh number.
It is shown that an oscillatory approach to steady-state, oscillatory instabilities, quasi-periodic flow, and chaotic flow exist for the flow regimes investigated. We find that for aspect ratios of approximately three or larger the the first transition from steady-state is due to instability of the sidewall boundary layers, while for small aspect ratios, but larger than ½, it is due to internal waves near the departing corners. For both instabilities we obtain the critical Rayleigh number as a function of aspect ratio and write expressions relating the fundamental frequencies of the oscillatory flow to the Rayleigh number and aspect ratio. When Ra is increased significantly above the first critical value, the flow becomes complex since both types of instabilities can be present. With a further increase in Rayleigh number the flow becomes chaotic and eventually turbulent. The above results are illustrated for different Rayleigh numbers and aspect ratios using time histories, spectral analysis, and streamlines at different values of time.