The stability of a compositionally buoyant plume, of circular
cross-section, rising in
a rotating infinite fluid is investigated. Both plume and fluid
have the same non-zero
kinematic viscosity, ν, and thermal diffusivity, κ.
The growth rate of the instability
depends on the Taylor number, Ta (which is a dimensionless
number measuring the
effect of the Coriolis force relative to the viscous force) and on
the thickness, s0, of
the plume in addition to the Prandtl number,
σ(=ν/κ) and the Reynolds number,
R (which measures the strength of the forcing). The analysis
is restricted to the case
of small R. It is found that the presence of rotation
enhances instability. A simple
model of a single interface separating the two parts of an infinite
fluid is investigated
first in order to isolate the mechanism responsible for the increase
in the growth rate
with rotation. It is shown that the Coriolis force interacts with the
zonal velocity
component to produce a velocity component normal to the interface.
For the right
choice of wave vector components, this normal velocity component is
in phase with
the displacement of the interface and this leads to instability.
The maximum growth
rate is identified in the whole space of the parameters σ,
Ta, s0 when R[Lt ]1. While
the maximum growth rate is of order R2 in the
absence of rotation, it is increased
to order R in the presence of rotation. It is also found
that the Prandtl number, σ,
which has a strong influence on the growth rate in the absence of
rotation, plays a subservient role when rotation is present.