Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 360 (1998), pp. 213–228
As pointed out to us by Mr T. Heath, the following printing errors can
be quite
misleading when using the formulas in the paper to obtain eigenfrequencies
and damping
rates to compare with experiments:
in (A 13) 1 should read −1 on the right-hand side;
in (A 22) and (A 26) Ω20 should read
in (A 25) the factor Ω40 must be omitted
on the right-hand side.
When revising again the printed version of the paper, we discovered
additional misprints:
A factor C was omitted in the first two integrals
in the expression for J2, immediately
following equation (2.9).
The sign of the second expression for I1 in
(2.23) should be changed.
The expression (W0Wz
+3WW0z)z=0 should read
+WW0z)z=0 in equation
The expression
W0(1, z)W0z(1,
z) in (2.26)
should read
W0(r, 0)W0z(r,
None of the misprints above affect the results of the paper, which were
obtained with
the correct expressions.