Certain aspects of the transport of solid particles by a turbulent airstream are discussed, namely: the conveyance of particles in a horizontal pipe, including those carrying an appreciable electrostatic charge; the mechanism of deposition onto a solid wall; and the behaviour of fine particles in a shear flow, such as that in a round jet.
Rough estimates of the effect of the particles on the gaseous turbulence are made, and a primitive physical explanation is offered of the observed velocitylag and pressure drop associated with the transport of particles in a horizontal pipe, under conditions where the influence of the particles’ weight is significant.
Attention is drawn to the difficult problem of dynamically scaling a two-phase flow, and to the different types of interaction between the phases which can occur in a pipe according to its size, the gas velocity through it, and the physical characteristics of the particles.
The paper is an annotated version of a survey presented to the I.U.T.A.M. Symposium on ‘Flow of fluid-solid mixtures’ held in Cambridge during March 1969.