Computer simulations of fluid-element trajectories in
mirror-symmetric and maximally helical turbulence are used to
evaluate Moffatt's (1974) formulae for the magnetic diffusivity η(t)
and the coefficient κ(t) of the alpha-effect. The passive-scalar
diffusivity κ(t) and the mean response functions of scalar and
magnetic field wave-vector modes are also computed. The velocity
field is normal, stationary, homogeneous and isotropic with spectrum
$E(k) = \frac{3}{2}v^2_0\delta(k -
k_0)$ and time correlation exp
[−1/2ω2/0(t-t)2]. The cases ω0 = O (frozen
turbulence), ω = vo k0 and
ω0 = 2v0 k0 are followed to t =
4/v0 k0. In the ω0 > 0 cases with
maximal helicity, κ(t) and a(t) approach steady-state values of
order vo/k0 and v0, respectively. They behave anomalously for
ω0 = 0. In the mirror-symmetric: cases, q(t) and κ(t)
differ very little from each other. At all the ω0 values,
is bigger in the helical than in the mirror-symmetric case. The
difference is marked for ω0 = 0. The simulation results
imply that κ(t) becomes negative in non-normal mirror-symmetric
turbulence with strong helicity fluctuations that persist over
several correlation lengths and times. The computations of response
functions indicate that asymptotic expressions for these functions,
valid for k [Lt ]; k0, retain good accuracy for k ∼
k0. The mean-square magnetic field is found to grow
exponentially, and its kurtosis also grows apidly with t, indicating
rapid development of a highly intermittent distribution of magnetic