Second-order mean fields of motion and density are calculated for the two-dimensional problem of an internal gravity wave packet (the waves are predominantly of a single frequency o and wavenumber k) propagating as a wave-guide mode in an inviscid, diffusionless Boussinesq fluid of constant buoyancy frequency N, confined between horizontal boundaries. (The same mathematical analysis applies to the formally identical problem for inertia waves in a homogeneous rotating fluid.)
To leading order the mean motions turn out to be zero outside the wave packet, which consequently possesses a well-defined fluid impulse [Iscr ]. This is directed horizontally, and is given in magnitude and sense by
{\cal I} = \alpha{\cal M};\quad\alpha = \frac{2c_{\rm g}(c-c_{\rm g})(c+2c_{\rm g})}{c^3-4c^3_{\rm g}}.
Here [Mscr ] is the so-called ‘wave momentum’, defined as wave energy divided by horizontal phase velocity c ≡ ω/k, and cg = c(N2–ω2)/N2, the group velocity.
If the wave packet is supposed generated by a horizontally towed obstacle, [Mscr ] appears as the total fluid impulse, but of this a portion [Mscr ]-[Iscr ] in general propagates independently away from the wave packet in the form of long waves. When the wave packet itself is totally reflected by a vertical barrier immersed in the fluid, the time-integrated horizontal force on the barrier equals 2 [Iscr ] (and not 2 [Mscr ] as might have been expected from a naive analogy with the radiation pressure of electromagnetic waves.)