Episcopal elections in late antiquity. Edited by Johan Leemans, Peter van Nuffelen, Shawn W. J. Keough and Carla Nicolaye. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 119.) Pp. xii+606. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011. €129.95. 978 3 11 026855 3
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 381-383
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Vie de Césaire d'Arles. Edited by Marie-José Delage (with Marc Heijmans) (texte critique Dom G. Morin). (Sources Chrétiennes, 536.) Pp. 567 incl. 2 maps. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2010. €38 (paper). 978 2 204 09407 8; 0750 1978
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 137-138
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Constantine. Dynasty, religion and power in the later Roman Empire. By Timothy Barnes. (Blackwell Ancient Lives.) Pp. xiii+266+10 plates. Chichester–Malden, Ma: Wiley–Blackwell, 2011. £75. 978 1 4051 1727 2
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 575-576
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The late medieval English Church. Vitality and vulnerability before the break with Rome. By G. W. Bernard. Pp. x+304+12 ills. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2012. £25. 978 0 300 17997 2
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- 09 September 2013, pp. 846-847
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To train his soul in books. Syriac asceticism in early Christianity. Edited by Robin Darling Young and Monica J. Blanchard. (CUA Studies in Early Christianity, 4.) Pp. xix+217. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011. $39.95. 978 0 8132 1732 1
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 383-384
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Évagre le scholastique. Histoire ecclésiastique. Livres I–III. Intro. Guy Sabbah, anno. Laurent Angliviel de la Beaumelle, Laurent Sabbah and Guy Sabbah, trans. A.-J. Festugière, Bernard Grillet and Guy Sabbah (texte Grec J. Bidez and L. Parmentier). (Sources Chrétiennes, 542.) Pp. 591 incl. 4 maps. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2011. €52 (paper). 978 2 204 09701 7; 0750 1978
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 138-139
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English nuns and the law in the Middle Ages. Cloistered nuns and their lawyers, 1293–1540. By Elizabeth Makowski. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 39.) Pp. xvi+201. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2012. £60. 978 1 84383 786 2; 0955 2480
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- 09 September 2013, p. 848
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Font of life. Ambrose, Augustine, and the mystery of baptism. By Garry Wills. Pp. xiii+194 incl. 2 frontispieces and 14 figs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. £16.99. 978 0 19 960579 8
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 576-577
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Grégoire de Nysse. Contre Eunome I, 147–691. Edited by Raymond Winling (texte grec W. Jaeger (GNO I, 1). (Sources Chrétiennes, 524.) Pp. 400. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2010. €48 (paper). 978 2 204 09211 1; 0750 1978
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 384-385
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The cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium. Texts and images. Edited by Leslie Brubaker and Mary B. Cunningham. Pp. xxii + 306 incl. 5 figs + 36 black-and-white and colour plates. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2011. £65. 978 0 7546 6266 2
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 139-140
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Protestanten. Das Werden eines Integrationsbegriffs in der Frühen Neuzeit. By Christian Volkmar Witt. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 163.) Pp. xi+314. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011. €84. 978 3 16 150951 3; 0340 6741
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- 09 September 2013, p. 849
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Reading sin in the world. The Hamartigenia of Prudentius and the vocation of the responsible reader. By Anthony Dykes. Pp. xx+273. New York–Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. £65. 978 1 107 00453 5
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 577-578
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Das geistige Theater. Ästhetik und Moral bei Johannes Chrysostomus. By Christoph Jacob. Pp. 263. Munich: Aschendorff, 2010. €32. 978 3 402 12857 2
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 385-386
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Enfermements. Le cloître et la prison (VIe–XVIIIe siècle. Actes du colloque international organisé par le Centre d’études et de recherche en histoire culturelle (CERHiC – EA 2616) de l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne et l'Association renaissance de l'abbaye de Clairvaux (Troyes–Bar-sur-Aube–Clairvaux, 22–24 octobre 2009). Edited by Isabelle Heullant-Donat, Julie Claustre and Élisabeth Lusset. (Homme et société, 38.) Pp. 379 incl. 8 colour plates. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011. €35 (paper). 978 2 85944 673 4; 0292 6679
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 140-141
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Epistolae Petri Vireti. The previously unedited letters and a register of Pierre Viret's correspondence. Edited by Michael W. Bruening. (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 494.) Pp. 655 incl. 1 ill. Geneva: Libraire Droz, 2012. €108,41. 978 2 600 01553 0; 0082 6081
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- 09 September 2013, p. 850
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Doctrine and debate in the East Christian world, 300–1500. Edited by Averil Cameron and Robert Hoyland. (The Worlds of Eastern Christianity, 300–1500, 12.) Pp. liv+415. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2011. £100. 978 1 4094 0034 9
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 578-579
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A sacred kingdom. Bishops and the rise of Frankish kingship, 300–850. By Michael Edward Moore. (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, 8.) Pp. xiii+434. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011. $69.95. 978 0 8132 1877 9
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 580-581
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The Christian topography of early Islamic Jerusalem. The evidence of Willibald of Eichstätt (700–787 CE). By Rodney Aist. (Studia Traditionis Theologiae. Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology, 2.) Pp. xxiii + 343 incl. 3 tables, 1 fig. and 18 maps. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009. €65 (paper). 978 2 50353013 0.
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- 07 January 2013, p. 142
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Calvin's theology and its reception. Disputes, developments, and new possibilities. Edited by J. Todd Billings and I. John Hesselink. Pp. xvi+250. Louisville, Ky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012. $30 (paper). 978 0 664 23423 2
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- 09 September 2013, pp. 850-851
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Theodoret's people. Social networks and religious conflict in late Roman Syria. By Adam M. Schor. (Transformation of the Classical Heritage, 48.) Pp. xv+342 incl. 20 ills. Berkeley–Los Angeles–London: University of California Press, 2011. £34.95. 978 0 520 26862 3
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 386-387
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