Fifteen years ago, or halfway to this year's thirtieth anniversary, in his presidential address to this association, Earl Pritchard began by saying: “In accordance with tradition, it now becomes my duty to perform a time-honored rite—to inflict on you the Presidential Address. I will try to do this as painlessly and as quickly as my own inadequacies will permit.… It is … customary, according to the unwritten rules governing the rituals of the present occasion, for the president to review in some way or other the state of the profession or of the discipline to which he belongs, or to present some general theory which interests him, or to discuss the direction that studies in the profession are taking or should take.…” Like Pritchard I have no inclination to depart sharply from this pattern, and I hope here merely to review briefly the past and present state of Malay and Indonesian lexicography. I have chosen this topic because it has been of great and abiding interest to me and because I have, in a modest way, tried to contribute to its furtherance.