Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2018
1994-1996. Un complesso periodo di rinnovamento
La recente transizione italiana ha riaperto questioni che negli ultimi anni erano state trascurate dalle analisi politologiche, come le trasformazioni della classe politica e dei suoi modelli di selezione e carriera. Diversi contributi hanno evidenziato la nuova rilevanza assunta da tali questioni, confortati peraltro da un'ampia produzione pubblicistica che si è concentrata essenzialmente sulle caratteristiche socio-professionali dei nuovi politici e sul tasso di rinnovamento del personale parlamentare.
Only two years after the critical elections of 27 March 1994, the parliamentary election of 1996 has been another important step in the transformation of the political class. The extent of turnover is declining (but remains larger than the mean rate of the first republic) and, after the second election under the new electoral system, the renewal of the parliamentary class shows some signs of stabilization. It is time to investigate the effects of such a change: how different is the sociological configuration of the new élite? And does it mean that new consolidated pathways to the parliamentary élite already exist?
This article provides an exploration on these problems, analysing at first the distribution of freshmen in the political class, the come back of old backbenchers in the new political parties, the social and occupational background of the MPs and, at the end, their local and political experiences.
In the last section the Author discusses some hypotheses about the perspectives of MPs recruitment in Italy, focussing in particular on the effects of different variables, like the structural crisis of political parties and the introduction of the plurality system. A typology of professionalisation patterns among the new MPs is provided, on the basis of empirical evidence.