Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Gordon, A. G.
Genes, Hearing and Deafness: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice Editors: A. Martini, D. Stephens and A. P. Read London: Informa Healthcare, (2007). £99.00. Hardback, 328 pp. ISBN 978 0 415 38359 2.
International Psychogeriatrics,
Vol. 20,
Issue. 05,
Albahri, O. S.
Zaidan, A. A.
Zaidan, B. B.
Hashim, M.
Albahri, A. S.
Alsalem, M. A.
Real-Time Remote Health-Monitoring Systems in a Medical Centre: A Review of the Provision of Healthcare Services-Based Body Sensor Information, Open Challenges and Methodological Aspects.
Journal of Medical Systems,
Vol. 42,
Issue. 9,