As the IUE satellite is the subject for a series of detailed papers to be published in a forthcoming issue of Nature. we will give only a brief description here. The interested reader should refer to Nature.
The telescope is a Ritchey-Chretien type with a clear aperture of 45 cm. The effective focal ratio is f/15. Two spectrographs can be operated, one, in the low dispersion mode (about 6 A) and another in the high dispersion mode (about 0.1 A). The detectors are SEC Vidicon television cameras. Each spectrograph has two apertures: a 3 arc sec circle and a 10 X 20 arc sec ellipse. The limiting magnitudes for objects observed are V = 8 for hot stars at high dispersion, V = 14 for galaxies at low dispersion. The output is available as plots, magnetic tapes and photowrites. The observatories are located at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. for U.S. observers and Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station, Madrid, Spain for U.K. and E.S.A. observers.