The metal-rich dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood have historically not attracted as much attention as the metal-poor (halo) stars which tell us about the early phases of the chemical evolution of our galaxy. The properties of metal-rich stars are highly important when we try to interpret integrated spectra from metal-rich stellar populations, such as the Bulge and elliptical galaxies. A small group of so called super metal rich stars (SMR) have played a significant role in shaping the conceptions of such populations. Famous examples are the dwarf HR1614 and the giant μ Leonis. In the review by Taylor (1996) SMR stars are discussed in great detail, in particular the reality of extremly high [Fe/H]. Taylor (1996) find that no giant stars fulfil the criteria fulr SMR-ness that he sets and only a handful of dwarf stars do, and most of them are possible candidates rather than firm detections.
A few recent studies have studied known SMR candidates and stars with high [M/H] (as derived from photometry), Feltzing & Gustafsson (1997), Castro et al. (1997), Gonzalez (1997), McWilliam & Rich (1994), Castro et al. (1996). A first conclusion is that there are indeed quite a few stars with [Fe/H] > 0.2 dex (the definition of SMR, see Taylor 1996). We will here review these studies in some detail.
The combination of abundance ratios with kinematical data can detail the picture even further. For example we can study stars on highly eccentric orbits which trace the evolution in the galactic disk closer to the galctic centre. Not much is known about these stars but we did have some very intriguing observations; Barbuy & Grenon (1990) (hereafter BG90) found that dwarf stars on very eccentric orbits contained much more oxygen than what was expected from standard models of galactic chemical evolution of the disk, Edvardsson et al.(1993) (hereafter E93) found large spreads and “upturns” for certain elements, Na, Si, Ti, Al, for stars with 0.0dex < [Fe/H] < 0.2 dex.