Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2009
For each characteristic p, let Fp be the prime field and let Ώp be a fixed universal field which is algebraically closed and of infinite transcendence degree over Fp. When p = 0 we take Ώp = ℂ. Let F be a subfield of Ώp and let R be an integral domain whose quotient field is F. We abbreviate SL(2, R), PGL(2, R), PSL(2, R) to SL(R), PGL(R), PSL(R) respectively, and we cohsider PSL(R) as a group of projective transformations of the projective line ℘(Ώp) and of the “subline” ℘(F) ⊂ ℘(ΏP). The elements of PSL(R) are classified by the number of fixed points they have on ℘(F). If x ∈ PSL(R) has one such fixed point P, then P is the unique fixed point of x on ℘(ΏP) and x is called parabolic. All other x (except the identity E) have two distinct fixed points on ℘(Ώp) and x is called hyperbolic if these are on ℘(F), and elliptic otherwise. We put symbols for operators on the right.