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Book Review - Barry C. Lynn, End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of The Global Corporation (2005) - [Barry C. Lynn, End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of The Global Corporation (New York: Doubleday, 2005, ISBN: 0-385-51024-1). CAN$ 21.00]
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019

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1 Mr. Zhang Shuhong's tragic story provides a glimpse into: a) the pressures that suppliers might be enduring from lead firms, and b) the risk lead firms assume by outsourcing production. Mr. Shuhong was a co-owner of the Lee Der Toy Company, which supplied toys for Fisher Price, a subsidiary of the American toy giant Mattel. On August 2, 2007, Fisher Price recalled almost one and a half million toys supplied by Mr. Shuhong's company, after learning that they were coated with non-approved paint pigment that contained a dangerous level of lead. See: Toys recalled over safety fears, BBC News (2 August 2007), available at:, last accessed 14 August 2007. On August 13th, it was reported that Mr. Shuhong hanged himself in his factory. See: Chinese toy boss ‘kills himself’, BBC News (13 August 2007), available at:, last accessed 14 August 2007. The following day, after a two-week review of the work of Mattel's Chinese subcontractor, Mattel reported that it would have to recall over 18 million toys. See: Mattel recalls millions more toys, BBC News (14 August 2007), available at:, last accessed 14 August 2007. As the story progressed, after even more recalls and the firing of several firms, Thomas Debrowski, Mattel's executive vice president for world operations, made a statement to the press stating: “The vast majority of these products that we recalled were the result of a flaw in Mattel's design” and not the fault of Chinese manufacturers. See: Mattel sorry for ‘design flaws’, BBC News (21 September 2007), available at:, last accessed 28 September 2007.Google Scholar
2 Barry C. Lynn, End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of The Global Corporation (2005), 16.Google Scholar
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45 The capacity of the nation-state to control transnational corporations has been in decline throughout the twentieth century. For example, nation-states have faced erosion of the corporate tax system, resulting in a lesser ability to redistribute wealth within society. See John Braithwaite, Markets in Vice, Markets in Virtue (2006), 16-34. Enforcement issues aside (which are significant), Braithwaite observes the catch-22 of tax policy in the age of globalization between “attracting capital and securing growth on a small-government, low-taxation-of-capital, weak-safety-net trajectory, or having a bigger-government, lower-growth trajectory where the gulf between rich and poor is not allowed to widen”. The challenge for smaller nations to maintain sovereignty against transnational corporate interests is grossly amplified. See Raymond J. Michalowski and Ronald C. Kramer, The Space between Laws: The Problem of Corporate Crime in a Transnational Context, 34 Soc. Prob. 34 (1987). In addition, other aspects of the decline of the nation-state in the age of the transnational corporation and globalization has been well documented, see amongst many others: Merry, Sally Engle, Anthropology, Law, and Transnational Processes, 21 Annual Rev. of Anthropology 357 (1992); Falk, Richard, Towards Obsolescence: Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization, 17 Harv. Int'l L. Rev. 34 (1995); Schmidt, Viven A., The New World Order Incorporated: The Rise of Business and the Decline of the Nation State, 124 Deadalus 75 (1995); ed, Gunther Teubner., Global Law Without a State: Studies in modern law and policy (1997); Teubner, Gunther, Societal Constitutionalism: Alternatives to State-Centred Constitutional Theory?, in Transnational Governance and Constitutionalism, 3, (Christian Joerges, Inger-Johanne Sand, and Gunther Teubner, eds., 2004); Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner, The Limits of International Law (2005); Hathaway, Oona A. and Lavinbuk, Ariel N., Rationalism and Revisionism in International Law, 119 Harv. L. Rev. 1404 (2006); Kennedy, Duncan, Three Globalizations of Law and Legal Thought: 1850-2000, in: The New Law and Economic Development: A Critical Appraisal, (David M Trubek and Alvaro Santos, eds., 2006); and Lobel, Orly, The Paradox of Extralegal Activism: Critical Legal Consciousness and Transformative Politics, 120 Harv. L. Rev. 937 (2007).Google Scholar
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