Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
The following notes refer to a collection of rock specimens made by the late Capt. T. Alex. Barns, F.R.G.S. Along with a summary of the geology of the four main islands in the Gulf of Guinea by the late Prof. J. W. Gregory it was intended to publish them as an appendix to a travel book by Capt. Barns. This book was never published as Capt. Barns was killed at Chicago in a motor accident on the 5th March, 1930. He had, however, already published an account of his journeys in the Geographical Journal. Prof. Gregory's manuscript on the geology of the islands cannot now be found. It is felt, however, that the petrographical notes and the two new chemical analyses that accompany them, should be placed on record.
page 16 note 1 “In Portuguese West Africa: Angola and the Isles of the Guinea Gulf,” Geogr. Journ., lxxii, 1928, 18–37.Google Scholar
page 17 note 1 “Die Insel Annobon im Golf von Guinea,” Petermanits Geogr. Mitth., Jahrg. 59, i, 1913, 131–3.Google Scholar
page 17 note 2 In A. Schultze, op. cit. supra, p. 132.Google Scholar
page 18 note 1 A., Lacroix, Min. de Madagascar, tom. 3, 1923, 49–50. See also G. W. Tyrrell, Principles of Petrology, 2nd ed., 1930, p. 129.Google Scholar
page 18 note 2 W., Boese, “Petrographisehe Untersuchungen an jungvulkanischen Ergussgesteine von Sao Thomé und Fernando Poo,” N. J. f. Min., B.-B., xxxiv, 1912, 255–320. A. F. de Carvalho, “As rochasde S. Tomé,” Publ. Mus. Min. Geol. Univ. Coimbra, No. 1, 1921, pp. 9–24. (This reference has not been seen by the writer, but he has been able to consult a summary translation made by the late Professor J. W. Gregory). See Addendum. Por a review see GEOL. MAG., LIX, 1922, 231.Google Scholar
page 20 note 1 Tyrrell, G. W., Geol. Mag., 1912, p. 121.Google Scholar
page 20 note 2 Smith, W. Campbell, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., lxxxiii, 1927, 323.Google Scholar
page 20 note 3 See average analyses in Tyrrell, G. W., Principles of Petrology, 2nd ed., 1930, p. 126.Google Scholar
page 20 note 4 Op. cit. supra, p. 30.Google Scholar
page 21 note 1 Der Vulkanismus, Band ii, 2. Teil, Die Alte Welt. 1. Lief. Der Atlantische Ozean, 1931, pl. ii.Google Scholar
page 21 note 2 Op. cit. supra, p. 1061.Google Scholar
page 22 note 1 Tyrrell, G. W., Principles of Petrology, 2nd ed., 1930, p. 140.Google Scholar