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Measuring the Chancellor's Foot — Matrimonial Property Law in Australia
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
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- Copyright © 1984 The Australian National University
1 (1984) FLC 95-507 (10 April 1984).
2 Ibid 79, 122; 79, 123.
3 Ibid 79, 120.
4 Eg ibid 79, 121.
5 Eg Aroney v Aroney (1979) FLC 90-709; W v W (1980) FLC 90-827; Matthews v Matthews (1980) FLC 90-887; Albany v Albany (1980) FLC 90-905; Woolley v Woolley (No 2) (1981) FLC 91-011 (wife awarded one-third of the value of husband's shares in architectural company); Anast v Anastopoulos (1982) FLC 91-201 (enterprising husband awarded 2/3 of $323,000; wife's years of manual work worth 1/3); Mahon v Mahon (1982) FLC 91-242 (homemaker husband awarded 1/3 of the assets accumulated by his entrepreneurial wife); Dupont v Dupont (No 3) (1981) FLC 91-103 (wife received $340,000 of the combined assets of$864,500; that is,just less than 40%); Kelly v Kelly (No 2) (1981) FLC 91-108 (homemaker wife received $350,000 of the total property and financial resources of the husband valued at $1,481,000).
6 79, Ill; 79, 114 per Gibbs CJ, citing Lovell v Lovell (1950) 81 CLR 513,519; 79, 125per Wilson J, citing Australian Coal & Shale Employees' Federation v Commonwealth (1953) 94 CLR 621, 627; 79, 118 per Mason J, citing inter alia House v The King (1936) 55 CLR 499, 504-505.
7 (1984) FLC 95-507; 79, 11I.
8 Eg R H Mnookin & L Kornhauser, “Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Divorce” (1979) 88 Yale LJ 950; W B Baker, J Eekelaar, C Gibson & S Raikes, The Matrimonial Jurisdiction of Registrars SSRC 1977; Scottish Law Commisson, Family Law: Report on Aliment and Financial Provision No 67, 1981, esp para 3-37. Even a “liberated” judicial discretion may choose to follow rules of thumb in contested cases; egPage v Page (1981) 11 Fam L 149; Preston v Preston [1981] 3 WLR 619.
9 Scottish Law Commission. Family Law: Report on Aliment and Financial Provision (1981) par 3-58.
10 Ibid para 3-37.
11 (1984) FLC 95-507; 79. 120.
12 Ibid 79, 129.
13 Ibid 79, 132.
14 Dupont v Dupont (No 3) (1981) FLC 91-103, 76, 765; see broader statements in Rolfe v Rolfe (1979) FLC 90-629, 78,273; Wardman v Hudson (1978) FLC 90-466, 77,385; Crawford v Crawford (1979) FLC 90-647, 78,410, 78,411; Pickard v Pickard (1981) FLC 91-034, 76,314: 76,315.
15 Zdravkovic v Zdravkovic (1982) FLC 91-220, 77, 207; Potthoff v Potthoff (1978) FLC 90-475, 77, 446;Aroney v Aroney (1979) FLC 90-709, 78, 789; Dupont v Dupont (No 3) (1981) FLC 91-103, 76,765; Pickard v Pickard (1981) FLC 91-034, 76,314.
16 NSW Women's Advisory Council, Occupation Housewife (1980) l.
17 (1984) FLC 95-507; 79, 120.
18 M A Glendon, The New Family and the New Property (1981) 63-64.
19 For references to some of the cases and literature on balancing the losses and gains of earning power, see MA Glendon, The New Family and the New Property (1981); ES Beninger & J W Smith, “Career Opportunity Cost: A Factor in Spousal Support Determination” (1982) 16 Family LQ 201; G H Raggis, “Professional Goodwill and Professional Licences as Property Subject to Distribution upon Dissolution of Marriage”, (1982) 16 Family LQ 147.
20 (1984) FLC 95-507; 79, 126.
21 R H Mnookin, “Child Custody Adjudication: Judicial functions in the Face of Indeterminacy” (1975) 39 Law & Contemporary Problems 226, 260-261.
22 The volumes of reported litigation in other jurisdictions make it clear that legislative reform provides no panacea for defining the boundaries of judicial discretion over matrimonial property. Eg in Canada, A McClean, “Matrimonial Property – Canadian Common Law Style” (1981) U of Toronto LJ 363; in USA, SJ Brake, “Equitable Distribtion vs. Fixed Rules: Marital Property Reform and the Uniform Marital Property Act” (1982) 23 Boston College LR 761; in Australia, I McCall, 'Dissolving the Economic Partnership of Marriage' (1982) 14 Uni of West Aust LR 365; in Scotland, Scottish Law Commission, Family Law: Report on Aliment and Financial Provision No 67, 1981; in England, R Deech, “Financial Relief: The Retreat from Precedent and Principle” (1982) 98 LQR 621; in New Zealand, A H Angelo and W R Atkin, “A Conceptual and Structural Overview of the Matrimonial Property Act 1976” (1977) 7 NZUL Rev 237; and generally MA Glendon, New Family and New Property (1981).
23 (1978) FLC 90-466; 77, 384 (Italics added).
24 (1978) FLC 90-475; 77, 446 (Italics added).