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Dismissals and the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration System
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
One area in which the rights of Australian workers have lagged behind their counterparts in other western democracies is that of protection against unfair dismissal. The common law action for breach of the contract of employment has, of course, been open to employees in common law countries including Australia but recognition of the inadequacy of this procedure has led to the introduction of statutory protection against dismissal in a number of common law jurisdictions including the United Kingdom. While some of the Australian States have sought to legislate in this area the protection available at federal level has, at least until recently, been inadequate.
This paper will explore the background to the federal dismissals jurisdiction in Australia and the recent developments which have extended the protection against unfair dismissal available within the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration system. At federal level, a dual system of redress for unfair dismissal has developed.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright © 1989 The Australian National University
1 (1973) 129 CLR 312.
2 R v Hamilton Knight; ex parte Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (1952) 86 CLR 283.
3 (1973) 129 CLR 312, 325.
4 (1962) 108 CLR 343.
5 (1969) 122 CLR 237.
6 R v Kirby, ex parte Boilermakers Society of Australia (1957) 95 CLR 529.
7 Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 (Cth) s 5(5).
8 (1981) AILR para 9.
9 R v Coldham; ex parte Australian Social Welfare Union (1983) 157 CLR 297.
10 Ibid 312.
11 (1984) 154 CLR 505.
12 (1983) I VR 469.
13 (1984) 154 CLR 505, 515.
14 Ibid 514.
15 R v Hamilton Knight; ex parte Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (1952) 86 CLR 283.
16 Re Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd; ex parte Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union of Australia (1987) 163 CLR 656.
17 (1984) AILR para 256.
18 (1984) 154 CLR 505.
19 (1987) 163 CLR 656, 661.
20 Ibid 662.
21 Ibid 666-667.
22 McCallum, R, “The Ranger Uranium Case: Reinstatement, The High Court And The Commission” (1988) 16 ABLR 149,152Google Scholar.
23 (1987) 163 CLR 656,661.
24 This process is described in Brooks, S, “Reinstatement of Employees: Federal Industrial Jurisdiction” (1987) Labour Law Reporter para 61-315Google Scholar.
25 Id.
26 (1962) 108 CLR 343.
27 Ibid 351.
28 Eg Re Heagneys and Others; ex parte ACT Employers Federation and Others (1976) 137 CLR 86 and R v Turbet and Metal Trades Industry Association and Another; ex parte Australian Building Construction Employees and Builders Labourers' Federation (1980) 144 CLR 335.
29 Re Heagneys and Others;exparte ACT Employers Federation and Others (1976) 137 CLR 86, 100.
30 (1989) 84 ALR 80.
31 Ibid 94.
32 Ibid 95.
33 Supra text at n 23.
34 (1989) 84 ALR 80, 83-84.
35 Ibid 96-97.
36 Ibid 93-95.
37 (1962) 108 CLR 343.
38 Wooldumpers case (1989) 84 ALR 80, 85.
39 (1982) AILR para 487.
40 (1962) 108 CLR 343.
41 (1973) 129 CLR 312.
42 (1984) AILR para 256. This decision was followed by the Termination Change and Redundancy Supplementary Decision (1985) AILR para 1.
43 (1987) 163 CLR 656.
44 McCallum, R, supra n 22, 152Google Scholar.
45 Id.
46 (1988) 80 ALR 455.
47 (1984) AILR para 256.
48 (1987) 77 ALR 79.
49 The basis of this decision is open to question. The idea that the award is incorporated into the contract of employment seems incompatible with the recognised approach to awards which sees them as providing a minimum standard which cannot be undercut but which can be improved upon by agreement. See Kilminster v Sun Newspapers Ltd (1931) 46 CLR 284.
50 De Francesco v Barnum (1890) 45 Ch D 430, 438 per Fry LJ.
51 (1984) 55 ALR 635.
52 (1972) Ch 305.
53 (1984) 55 ALR 635,648.
54 Ibid 649.
55 Id.
56 (1988) 80 ALR 455,482.
57 Id.
58 Id.
59 Ibid 471.
60 Hepple, BA O'Higgins, P, Employment Law (4th ed 1981) 269Google Scholar.
61 Addis v Gramaphone Co Ltd [l909] AC 488.
62 (1988) 80 ALR 455,473.
63 Id.
64 Id.
65 Ibid 484.
66 Id.
67 Redmond, M, Dismissal Law in the Republic of Ireland (1982) 94Google Scholar.
68 (1988) 80 ALR 455, 473.
69 (1977) ICR 893.
70 (1983) ICR 99.
71 Ewing, K D Grubb, A, “The Emergence of a New Labour Injunction?” (1987) 16 Industrial Law Journal 145, 156CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
72 Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) Code of Practice on Disciplinary Procedures.
73 Ewing, K D Grubb, A, supra n 71, 156Google Scholar.
74 (1984) AILR para 256.
75 (1984) 154 CLR 505. This was a case dealing with the Victorian Industrial Relations Act 1979.
76 Ibid 508-509.
77 Termination, Change and Redundancy case (1984) AILR paras 256, 232-233.
78 There are, however, pre dismissal procedures in some awards such as the Municipal Officers (South Australia) General Conditions Award.
79 (1988) 80 ALR 455.
80 Eg Selzer Lingerie Pty Ltdv Clothing &Allied Trades Union of Australia (l982)285 CAR 128 Flight Stewards Association of Australia v Qantas Airways Ltd (l982) 281 CAR ll7.
81 Flight Stewards Association of Australia v Qantas Airways Ltd (1982) 281 CAR 117.
82 Australian Shipping Officers Association v Dalgety Australia Ltd (1982) 285 CAR 451.
83 (1987) 163 CLR 656.
84 (1988) 80 ALR 455.
85 (1935) 54 CLR 387, 403-404.
86 (1908) 6 CLR 309.
87 Metal Trades Employers Association v Amalgamated Engineering Union (1935) 54 CLR 387.
88 lbid 422.
89 Section 119(2)(a).
90 (1987) 163 CLR 656,667.
91 Eg in 1985 reinstatement was ordered in 4 of the 7 cases in which the Commission's decisions are recorded. The figures for 1984 were 33%; 1983: 25%; and 1982: 39%.
92 O'Donovan, J, “Reinstatement of Dismissed Employees by the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission; Jurisdiction And Practice” (1976) 50 ALJ 636, 639Google Scholar.
93 Ibid 640.
94 (1987) 163 CLR 117.
95 Ibid 136.
96 (1989] VR 527.
97 Municipal Officers Association of Australia v Melbourne City Council (1985) 229 CAR 441.
98 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1972 (SA) s 31(3)(c).
99 (1984) 154 CLR 505.
100 [1989] YR 527, 536.
101 (1987) 67 WAIG 1l04.
102 Dickens, L et al, Dismissed (1985) 109Google Scholar.
103 Eg Robe Rive1 Iron Associates v ADSTE (1987) 67 WAIG 110.
104 [1989] VR 527, 543.
105 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1972 (SA) s 31(3)(c).
106 Decision No. 119 of 1988, 9 and 26 September 1988.
107 (1987) 163 CLR 656.
108 (1989) 84 ALR 80.
109 (1988) 80 ALR 455.