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Research transparency

This journal supports best practices in research openness and transparency. The policies below outline our expectations for authors to help ensure that the research results we publish are as transparent as possible.

If your paper reports an experiment, before your paper is accepted for publication you will be asked to include a replication package for evaluation by our data editor. This package must contain:

  1. The original instructions (even when these are already included as an appendix to the paper). Include an English translation of the instructions as well if the experiment was not conducted in English.
  2. Information about subject eligibility or selection, such as exclusions based on past participation in experiments, college major, etc.
  3. Any computer programs, configuration files, or scripts used to run the experiment and/or to analyze the data. These should be summarized as appropriate in the submitted manuscript and provided in full as a supplementary file prior to publication.
  4. The raw data from the experiment. These should be summarized as appropriate in the submitted manuscript and provided in full as an ASCII or text file prior to publication, with sufficient explanation to make it possible to use the submitted computer programs to replicate the data analysis.
  5. A readme file describing the contents of the files in the replication package.