Methods:68 patients were examined. The concentration of antipirine in saliva was determined by spectrophotometry assay (B.B. Brodie 1949, in Semenjuk A.V. modification, 1982). Pharmacokinetic parameters were counted as follows: period of half elimination (T1/2, h), total clearance (Cl t, ml/min), middle time of residual (MRT, h) middle time of elimination (MET, h), area under pharmacokinetic curve (AUC, mkgh/ml).
Results:T1/2 (h) was 8,81±5,23 before treatment and 4,37±2,31∗ after treatment with Galodif; Clt (ml/min) 113,42±38,67 and 137,37±54,00;MRT (h) 11,44±5,43 and 3,69±0,60∗; МЕТ (h) 6,03±2,10 and 4,64±1,83∗; АUС (mkgh / ml) 7,05±5,74 and 6,39±2,18 respectively (∗-differences between values of pharmacokinetic parameters are reliable according to l-criterion by Kolmogorov-Smirnov р<0,05). Galodif reduces period of half-elimination, significant decrease of middle time of residual drug in organism and middle elimination time. Total clearance increased. Under influence of Galodif elimination of antipirine increased that suggested induction of liver microsomal monooxigenases cytochrome P-450 system in Russian alcoholic patients. Influence of Galodif on antipirine pharmacokinetics parameters in Tatar alcoholic patients: T1/2 (h) 11,19±2,95 and 2,57±0,69∗; Clt (ml/min) 71,108±11,58 and 116,23± 9,40∗; MRT (h) 8,66±1,13 and 2,60±0,46∗; МЕТ (h) 5,71±0,57 and 3,68±0,49∗; АUС (mkg h/ ml) 11,58±1,71 and 7,30±1,04∗. Galodif ability for induction of liver monooxigenases of patients from different ethnic groups is to be taken into account during clinical application. Individual sensitivity of organism to drug is caused by biochemical and anthropo-morpho-physiological polymorphism.