Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 May 2009
1. The experimental derivation of a mucoid form of B. paratyphosus B is described.
2. This form, though at one stage non-motile, agreed closely with the “capsulated mucoid forms” of paratyphoid B, isolated by W. Fletcher from two chronic “carrier” cases.
3. The mucoid paratyphoid B was highly dys-agglutinable, and it would not on serological examination be identified as a paratyphoid B.
4. Its colonies were also entirely unlike colonies of paratyphoid B, being large, slimy, and usually dome-shaped, though at other stages of their metamorphosis they presented either an umbilication, or a nipple-like elevation in the centre.
5. The mucoid bacillus possessed the distinctive sugar reactions of paratyphoid B.
6. On suitable manipulation it reverted to the ordinary form.