The journal's editorial board follows a strict double-anonymous policy of reviewing submissions.
One of the Executive Editors will serve as designated editor for each contribution. Contributions will be read by two more more peer reviewers, at least one of whom will normally be drawn from the editorial board; if necessary, other qualified experts will be invited to read and comment on a submission. The designated editor will transmit feedback to the contributor through ScholarOne, and will at the same time pass on the collective editorial decision (whether acceptance; provisional acceptance subject to revision; an invitation to resubmit following revision; or rejection). A revised version should be returned through ScholarOne.
To appeal an editorial decision, contact the Executive Editor and specify the reason for your appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Executive Editor, and the final decision regarding your appeal will rest with this Executive Editor.
Appeals should be based on specific, demonstrable points and should refer to the manuscript in question. New submissions take priority over appeals, so it may take a substantial period of time for the journal to reach a conclusion about your appeal.