Critical Pakistan Studies invites reviews of books, films, and art exhibitions that contribute to the study of Pakistan. An interdisciplinary journal, The editors value clear and thoughtful reviews that highlight scholarly contributions to Pakistan Studies across fields of study in Social Sciences and Humanities (e.g., Gender Studies, Geography, Anthropology, History, Literary Criticism, and many other disciplines).
Single Book Review: The word limit for a single book review is 800-1200 words. Critical Pakistan Studies welcomes single book reviews for recent scholarship on Pakistan and reviews (in English) of important texts in Pakistan’s vernacular languages.
Multi-book Review Essay: To offer a wider overview of a particular topic or area of study, Critical Pakistan Studies publishes multi-book review essays. If an author wishes to write a review essay, submit a 500-word proposal that outlines its themes. The word limit for a multi-book review essay is 2500 words.
Book Forum: The journal welcomes cross-disciplinary conversations about books that significantly contribute to multiple disciplines within Pakistan Studies. To propose a book forum, please send a brief proposal describing the book, its significance, and a list of potential forum contributors. The word limit for a Book Forum is 4000 words.
Critical Pakistan Studies does not accept unsolicited single or multi-book reviews, or book forums. Anyone interested in providing any of these items should contact the journal’s book review editor.
The titles of books reviewed should follow the format: Title. Author (publishing location: publisher information, year). Total Pages. Pricing. ISBN.
Annexation and the Unhappy Valley: The Historical Anthropology of Sindh’s Colonization. Matthew A. Cook (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2021). Pp. 297. PKR 995. ISBN: 978-0-19-070432-2.
When writing reviews, please consider some of the following questions:
- How persuasive is the book’s thesis and how original is its theoretical framework?
- How coherent and clear is the author?
- How sound, accurate, and thorough is the scholarship?
- How effective is the book’s writing style and organization?
- How relevant is the source material to the book’s larger aims?
- How does the book contribution to debates in Pakistan Studies or another body of literature?
- Do you or don’t you recommend the book and why?
Books For Review Should Be Sent To:
Mubbashir Rizvi
Professorial Lecturer
Department of Anthropology
[email protected]