Call for themed issue proposals
Computational Humanities Research (CHR) invites proposals for guest-edited themed issues that will advance the field of computational humanities through innovative and rigorous research. We are particularly interested in proposals that enhance our understanding of humanities topics through computational methods, advance methodological approaches in computational humanities, or bridge gaps between traditional humanities scholarship and computational techniques.
To propose a new themed issue, Guest Editor(s) should complete a proposal form, which will include a title, a 500-word description of the proposed topic, a publication timeline, a list of potential article topics or titles, and a list of potential or confirmed authors.
Proposal assessment process
All themed issue proposals will be assessed by the Commissioning Editor and Editors-in-Chief, and evaluated based on their quality, their fit with the journal’s remit, their original contribution to the academic debate in computational humanities, the diversity of perspectives reflected in the proposed issue, and the timeliness of the topic. It is particularly encouraged that the proposed list of invited authors and themes includes scholarship from diverse and under-represented voices in academia.
If a themed issue proposal is accepted, the Guest Editor(s) will be asked to draft a ‘Call for papers’ providing a description of the themed issue and its main topics of interest.
Call for papers for themed issues in progress are advertised on the CHR website.
Peer review
All articles submitted for a themed issue will be subject to the standard double-anonymous peer review process operated by the journal.
It is anticipated that themed issues will include articles initially invited by the Guest Editor(s) along with articles originally submitted in response to an open call.
Following peer review, the Guest Editor(s) will make a recommendation to the Commissioning Editor, who has responsibility for all final decisions and reserves the right to reject any paper regardless of the Guest Editor(s)’ recommendation.
Publication process
Articles will appear online within their themed issue incrementally as soon as they are ready for publication.
Themed issues can be accompanied by an Editorial written by the Guest Editor(s).
If you have any questions about potential themed issue proposals, please get in touch with the CHR Commissioning Editor, Folgert Karsdorp, at [email protected].