Review Article
Livy, 1. 32. 12
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 October 2009, pp. 157-158
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The Stabularius
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- 27 October 2009, p. 158
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Labienus and the Status of the Picene Town Cingulum
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 158-159
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Orpheus, Eine Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung - Orpheus, eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Von Otto Kern. Miteinem Beitrag von Josef Strzygowski. Pp. 69. Two plates. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1920. M. 5.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 159-160
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The Elder Edda and Ancient Scandinavian Drama - The Elder Edda and Ancient Scandinavian Drama. by Bertha S. Phillpotts, O.B.E., Litt. D. One vol. Pp. xi + 216. Cambridge University Press, 1920. 21s.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 160-161
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The Fragments of Euripides - The Macedonian Tetralogy of Euripides. Discussed and edited by Richard Johnson Walker. 8⅓″ × 5¾″. Pp. 139. 12s. 6d. net. - Euripidean Fragments. Emended by Richard Johnson Walker. 8¾″ × 5¾″. Pp. 52. Burns, Oates, and Washbourne. 7s. 6d. net.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 161-163
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The Sixth Book of the Aeneid - The Sixth Book of the Aeneid. Edited by H. E. Butler, M.A., Professor of Latin in the University of London. Pp. viii + 288. Oxford: Blackwell, 1920. 12s. 6d.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 163-167
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Cicero: A Biography - Cicero: A Biography. by Torsten Petersson. University of California Press, 1920.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 168
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The Silver Age of Latin Literature from Tiberius to Trajan - The Silver Age of Latin Literature from Tiberius to Trajan. by Walter Coventry Summers, M.A., Firth Professor of Latin in the University of Sheffield. One vol. 8vo. Pp. xii + 324. London: Methuen and Co., 1920. 10s. 6d. net.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 169-170
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Traube's kleine schriften - Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen, Band III. Ludwig Traube. Kleine Schriften, ed. S. Brandt. Pp. xvi + 344, with two facsimiles and index to all three vols. Large 8vo. Beck: München, 1920. c. 22s.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 170-171
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The Phoenicians and Their Language - Phéniciens. ParC. Autran. One vol. 4to. Pp. xvi + 148. Paris: Geuthner, 1920. Fr. 30. - Anciens Peuples de I'Europe. ParG. Dottin. One vol. 8vo. Pp. xiv + 304. Paris: Klingsieck, 1916.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 172
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Q. Asconii Pediani Commentarii - Q. Asconii Pediani Commentarii, recognovit Caesar Giarratano. Rome: Nardeccia, 1920. L. 25.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 173-174
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Manuel Des Études Grecques Et Latines - Manuel des Etudes grecques et latines. I. Géographie, Histoire, Institutions grecques. II. Littérature grecque. III. Grammaire historique grecque. IV. Géographie, Histoire, Institutions romaines. V. Litérature latine. VI. Grammaire historique latine. VII. Métrique, Sciences complémentaires (notions sur la patéographie, l'épigraphie, etc.). Renseignements pratiques sur le travail philologique, etc. ParL. Laurand. 9″ × 5½″. Pp. 887 + lv. Paris: Aug. Picard. Price, in stiff paper covers, Fr. 5 each. Fascicule, except III., which costs Fr. 7.50.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 174-175
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Linguistique Historique et Linguistique Générale - Linguistique historique et linguistiquegénérale. ParA. Meillet. One volume. 8vo. Pp. viii + 335. Paris: Champion, 1921.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 175-176
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La Cessio Bonorum - La Cessio Bonorum. ParLucien Guenoun. Pp. 104. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1920.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 176
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History of Roman Private Law - History of Roman Private Law. Part III.: Regal Period. by E. C. Clark. Pp. xvi + 634. Cambridge University Press, 1919. 21s. net.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 177
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Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. XXX. (1919) - Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. XXX. (1919).
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- 27 October 2009, p. 178
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Short Notices
Some School Books
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- 27 October 2009, p. 179
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Mr. Wells as Historian. by A. W. Gomme. 8vo. Pp. 47, Glasgow: MacLehose, Jackson, and Co., 1921. 2S.
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- 27 October 2009, pp. 179-180
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Über die Pseudoxenophontische ἈθηναίωνΠολιτεία. by DrG. Stail. 8VO. One vol. Pp. 133. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1921. M. 7. 60.
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- 27 October 2009, p. 180
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