J. A. J. Drewitt, The -σσ- Forms in Homer. The writer would show that the doubling of the σ is metrical and due to ‘the stress of the arsis’. He thinks that in the case of Άχιλλενς and Όδνσενς forms like Άχιληος and Όδνσσος arose through cross associations by the side of the correct ones Άχιλληος Όδνσος. B. O. Foster, The Trojan War Again. Defends Van Leeuwen's theories against the attacks of Prof. John Scott. The events of the original Iliad fell into a single year; the passages which mention or appear to presuppose a ten years' war are either interpolated or inconclusive. A. L. Forthingham, Grabovius-Gradivus. Plan and Pomerium of Iguvium. Grabovius is to be equated to Gradivus as the moving, marching god. The basis of the templum, arx and city of Iguvium was the triangular form. John C. Rolfe, The so-called callium prouincia. Discusses the problems arising out of the passages cited by the Thesaurus under this heading, Tac. Ann. 4. 27 ’Curtius Lupus quaestor cui prouincia uetere ex more calles (‘Cales’ Lipsius) euenerant,’ Suet. ltd. 19 ‘prouinciae… minimi negotii, i.e. siluae callesque,’ Q. Curt. 3. 4. 5 being rejected as irrelevant.