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page 28 note 1 Schrader, , de notatione critica a ueteribus grammaticis in poetis scaenicis adhibita, 1864, p. 7Google Scholar, conjectured λγονς, and furnished the reference to Isidore. This sense of the word occurs in Crönert alone of our lexica. No record of the shape of the sign has come down. Was it the sign resembling an βελἣς περιεστιγμνος used in the Plato Par. 1807 and its group to fill blanks?
page 28 note 2 E.g. VII. 892: οὐκ οὖν ἕμελλε παραλεψειν τινα δσπνοιαν, λλ τις τν παλαιν βιβλιογρϕων ἥμαρτεν ἔπειθ' οἕτως ἔχ¿ν ἔϕθαεν κδοθναι τ βιβλον, ἒϕνλχθη τε εἱκτως μχρι δςρο τοτ' αὐτ τὸ σϕλμα, τινν μν ὀλιγώρως μιλοντων τοῖς τν παλαιν βιβλοις ὡς μτ' ει λεπει τι μτ' εἰ δι' τρον γρμματος εἴρηται Γνωρζειν. XV. 9 spp.: τ οὖν ν ρχῇ τς ῤσεως παραλλεπται μεινσης τς μαρτα'
page 30 note 1 Cf. Porphyrius work, περ τν παραλελειμμνων τᾧ ποιητῇ νομτων and Ovid's Macer (‘tu canis aeterno quicquid restabat Homero necareant summa Troica bella manu’), who versified fied a handbook.
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