Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important tool for diagnosing, lateralizing and localizing temporal lobe seizures. In this paper, we review the EEG characteristics of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Several “non-standard” electrodes may be needed to further evaluate the EEG localization, Ictal EEG recording is a major component of preoperative protocols for surgical consideration. Various ictal rhythms have been described including background attenuation, start-stop-start phenomenon, irregular 2-5 Hz lateralized activity, and 5-10 Hz sinusoidal waves or repetitive epileptiform discharges. The postictal EEG can also provide valuable lateralizing information. Postictal delta can be lateralized in 60% of patients with TLE and is concordant with the side of seizure onset in most patients. When patients are being considered for resective surgery, invasive EEG recordings may be needed. Accurate localization of the seizure onset in these patients is required for successful surgical management.