The nine species of Coproporus Kraatz and Cilea silphoides (Linné) of America, north of Mexico are revised. No new species are described. Coproporus maneei Scheerpeltz is placed in synonymy with C. ventriculus (Say). Based on examination of type material, a number of Latin American species formerly considered as synonyms, are recognized as valid species. These include convexus (Erichson) and ignavus (Sharp) which are distinct from hepaticus (Erichson); and terminatus (Erichson) which is distinct from rutilus (Erichson).
Coproporus rutilus piceorufus from Argentina and Brasil and C. rutilus obscurior from Panama, both described as aberrations by Bernhauer (1918), are elevated to specific status. Coproporus segnis, formerly known from Mexico and Panama, is reported from the United States for the first time.
The usage of both Coproporus Kraatz and Cilea Jacquelin du Val has been confused in previous publications. The synonymy and priority of Coproporus vs. Erchomus Motschulsky and Cilea vs. Leucoparyphus Kraatz are discussed. Each genus and species is described and the distribution of each species is mapped. The male genitalia of each species are drawn and the major diagnostic characters are illustrated with scanning electron photomicrographs. A diagnostic key to all the taxa is included.