Tachina (Exorista) futilis Say., MSS. ♂, ♀. Palpi, antennæ and legs black; face, front and lst abdominal segment with a brassy-yellow reflection. Length, 7–10 mm.
Bottom of the antennal foveæ silvery gray; the lowr part of the cheeks likewise; front, lateral parts of the face and the orbit of the eyes below and behind (genal and occiptial orbit) brassy-yellowish, the coloring of the front being of a more saturate yellow than the lateral parts of the face; above the antennæ, in the middle of the front, a brown stripe, attenuated posteriorly; it bifurcates on the vertex, enclosing the grayish ocellar triangle; the hind plane of the head (occiput) gray. The row of frontal bristles consists; 1st, of three bristles pointing backwards, the uppermost of which is placed on the top of the vertex; 2nd, of three shorter bristles pointing forward; 3rd, of four or five bristles which form diverging rows, descending on both sides of the antennæ, the last being a little below the end of the second antennal joint.