In studying the larva and pupa of Steganoptycha pyricolana, Murt., some observations were made as to structure, which it seems desirable to permanently record. The life-history and habits of the species have been described in the Twelfth Report of the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station.
“This species was described by Miss M, E. Murtfeldt, in Bulletin No. 23, o. s., Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. Ag.., p. 52, as S. pyricolana, Riley MS. Concerning the identity, it was stated that ‘Professor Fernald, to whom a specimen was shown, considers it identical with Clemens's S. salicicolana, which, I believe, breeds in willow galls, but Dr. Riley pronounces it distinct, and he has types of Clemens's species.’ My specimens agree entirely with Miss Murtfeldt's description, but are distinctly different from Clemens's types in the collection of the Am. Ent. Society. Correspondence shows that the opinion credited above to Dr. Fernald is incorrect, as he never compared the specimens.