On the 10th of July I found a pupa of this species suspended by the hind end of its body beneath a log. The 1arval skin was rent and worked backward, but still retained nearly its original shape and color, and by comparing it with certain larvæ which I have frequently met with in similar situations, there is no doubt in my mind but that these latter belong to the above species.
These larvæ very closely resemble that figured by Packard on page 465 of his “Guide” (fig. 432), which in the text on the succeeding page is referred to Photuris. The dried specimens now before me measure about 12 mm., and are of a dull purplish-brown color; venter pale yellow, tinged with pink and marked with a brownish stripe on each outer edge, and with two rows of brown spots, these not extending upon the first three segments; head retractile, dull blackish, the region of the jaws polished brown, and furnished with four black prickles, the upper two of which are placed transversely, the lower two longitudinally.