Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Oiketicus Townsendi. Cockerell.
1893—Dyar, Ent. News, IV., 321 note. (No name.)
1894—Dyar, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VIII., 205 (fig. of larvel setœ).
1895—Cockerell, Bull. 15, New Mex. Agr. Ex. Sta., pl. fig. 7, 7a.
1895—Cockerell, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) XV., 208.
* The fore wing has 11 veins, vein III2 being absent. T ephemeræformis has also 11 veins, but it is v2 which is absent; O. Abbottii has all 12 veins present.
* Evolution and Taxonomy, Wilder Quarter Century Book, p. 81.
† Until the larva of Eupoeya is known, we can not be sure that it does not belong to the Eurcleidæ.