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Section II: Theological
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 December 2009

- Type
- The Notebook of John Penry, 1593
- Information
- Copyright
- Copyright © Royal Historical Society 1944
page 15 note 1 ‘by’ cancelled.
page 15 note 2 A good deal of erasure and over-writing, with resultant text as printed.
page 15 note 3 Words from ‘all’ to ‘of’ substituted for these words after ‘earth’—‘and of all the thinges therin contayned’.
page 15 note 4 ‘both’ crossed out.
page 15 note 5 The sentence following substituted for ‘whoe is my god and my strong reedemer, unto whom be prayse for ever and ever’.
page 15 note 6 For ‘men and angelles’.
page 15 note 7 For ‘purpose of’.
page 16 note 1 Four lines follow, which seem to be crossed out:
‘Now to the end that his infinitt goodnes and wisdom might appear I do believe that he hath at the first created all thinges exceedingly good’.
page 16 note 2 Penry often uses ‘gn’ for ‘ng’ : after ‘rebellign’ ‘fell frome’ crossed out.
page 16 note 3 ‘reserved’ seems mild, but it is a quotation from 2 Peter ii. 4.
page 16 note 4 ‘day’ or some such word omitted.
page 16 note 5 A blank line in MS. It almost looks as if Penry broke off and resumed after an interval, which would account for the repetition.
page 16 note 6 ‘miserable estate’ is written above ‘destruction’, which, however, is not crossed out.
page 16 note 7 ‘At the top of this page three lines are written in, small and difficult:
‘This excellency wherin they were created I confess not to proceed or yet to consist in any thing that was or is in them save only by them reaceve[d] [ ? ] and [ ? ] had of their Creator whoe hath appoynted them to bee’.
A word is erased after ‘reaceve’, and then are two undeciphered words.
page 16 note 8 ‘Apostaticall’ crossed out.
page 16 note 9 Undeciphered word written in after ‘first’.
page 16 note 10 ‘Willingly’ crossed out.
page 16 note 11 Margin: ‘all the angelles fell not, but all that fell are irrecoverable. All men fell, but yet all fall not into this remedilesse estate’.
page 16 note 12 ‘as’ may be crossed out.
page 16 note 13 Word crossed out after ‘did’.
page 16 note 14 A line is drawn from after ‘dignity’ down the margin to ‘and his’. Penry seems to have become dissatisfied with the sentence ending ‘and his’, drawn the line, and made a new start, without cancelling the sentence.
page 17 note 1 ‘being th’ crossed out.
page 17 note 2 Word undeciphered, may be ‘sub’, the beginning of ‘subject’, crossed out.
page 17 note 3 ‘will’ crossed out.
page 17 note 4 Margin :
‘not by any merit of our naturall inheritanc are wee now brought into heaven’.
page 17 note 5 ‘of the holy angelles’ crossed out.
page 17 note 6 ‘some of’ crossed out, and sentence breaks down.
page 17 note 7 As MS.
page 17 note 8 ‘to this purpose’ duplicated, and the first cancelled.
page 17 note 9 ‘in to show that the’ crossed out.
page 17 note 10 For ‘yf’.
page 17 note 11 ‘apoynted of his great goodnes and grace to serve his’ crossed out.
page 17 note 12 ‘unto’ cancelled.
page 17 note 13 This sentence replaces four cancelled lines : ‘whoe keepeth covenant and mercy apeareth adorable [admirable ?] in that hee hath befor all beginninges apoynted that such of the seed of Adame as by vertue of the everlasting covenant’.
page 17 note 14 ‘These [? those] whome hee hath elect’, on new line, cancelled.
page 17 note 15 ‘of the nomber [?] ‘cancelled.
page 17 note 16 ‘man’ crossed out.
page 18 note 1 ‘when this’ crossed out.
page 18 note 2 Then the beginning of a new paragraph scored out:
‘This Christ Jesus, in regard of his offices, upon whose shoulders [‘government’ crossed out] the regiment is, whoe is the’.
page 18 note 3 The next two paragraphs seem out of place. On the opposite page of the notebook (59 right, upside down) are two paragraphs, written in the two different hands, perhaps intended to find a place in this statement:
Christ Jesus was in the efficiency of his death and passion a lamb slayn befor all beginning of the world.
His dayes did Abraham see and rejoyced.
He was exposed in due tyme, thoughe promised frome all beginning.
As it is a syn for an Antichristian member to impose him self upon his body, so is it a synne for the body to reaceve and bee subject unto any such. For no other ought to bee the king priest and prophett of the elect but Christ Jesus.
page 18 note 4 ‘This Christ Jesus’ crossed out.
page 18 note 5 For ‘that by his’.
page 18 note 6 The words between the commas are written above a caret and between lines and are difficult.
page 18 note 7 Margin : ‘Resurrection’. ‘Restoring [? Resting] of the creatures’.
page 18 note 8 ‘brought’ crossed out.
page 18 note 9 Margin : ‘I beleve that he hath not left his church [ ? ]. I beleve that hee hath appoynted a society of his sayntes. That all are bound to bee theroff[,] that his servic and his presence is therin, he will not have hir reaceve any ordenanc from other’. The undeciphered word should be easy, but isn't. It begins ‘de’ or ‘di’ and ends ‘ed’, perhaps ‘red’, and there may be a medial ‘d’.
page 19 note 1 ‘men’ crossed out.
page 19 note 2 ‘manifestation of the truth of the gospell’ crossed out.
page 19 note 3 The words from ‘working’ to ‘godlines’ written between the lines, but no caret.
page 19 note 4 ‘Christs belonge’ crossed out.
page 19 note 5 Margin : ‘I believe that bond and free may bee Christs and that the servic which hee requireth at the handes of subjectes the same may they do and yet performe their whol duty towardes theyr princes, and therfor in regard of the holy offic of the magistrate’
page 19 note 6 Edge of page, may be ‘sure’.
page 19 note 7 ‘unto’ cancelled.
page 19 note 8 Margin : ‘This is done for us that wee shold bee freed from the world to serve him according unto his owhe will.’
page 19 note 9 A false start. ‘These grace of the’ precedes this.
page 19 note 10 ‘I” and a following short word cancelled.
page 19 note 11 ‘nature’ cancelled.
page 19 note 12 Penry wrote ‘and consumed’, crossed out ‘consumed’ and wrote in the following words, leaving the ‘and’ standing.
page 19 note 13 ‘to bee’ crossed out.
page 20 note 1 The next 4 lines are among the most difficult to read in the notebook.
page 20 note 2 ‘a true desier’ crossed out.
page 20 note 3 Two words undeciphered ; the second may be ‘consisting’.
page 20 note 4 ‘I assuredly that’ written in above a caret.
page 20 note 5 4 lines of MS. crossed out:
‘This remnant did the Lord in all ages teach and instruct in his true maner of his fear worship and service what they shold eschew and what to avoyd.’.
page 20 note 6 This paragraph written in, in very small hand.
page 20 note 7 Word undeciphered.
page 20 note 8 As MS.
page 20 note 9 For ‘how the’.
page 20 note 10 ‘had’ cancelled.
page 20 note 11 Statement ceases at this point, though on the same page there is another item (see below, 23) in the neater hand.
page 20 note 12 ‘the ‘cancelled.
page 20 note 13 Or ‘fall’.
page 20 note 14 ‘in their innocency’ cancelled.
1 May be ‘syne’.
2 These numbers as MS.
3 ‘A pure wittnes’ crossed out.