Auguste 13. UPON Satterdaie, beinge the 13. of Auguste, my lord,(2) havinge intelligence that those of Roan mente to give him a camisado in the nighte, in his army provided all things necessarie to welcome them, together with a determynation, that if they came not that nyghte, then the next morninge he would have surprysed some of them in some of their owne holds and fortresses nere adjoynynge; and for that purpose had caused all his owne cariage-horses and others of th'armye (which would have been above five or six score horses) to be in a-readiness to mownte his beste muskatiers upon. And being ordering of all those things, sir Roger Williams came from the kinge with letters.(3) Whereupon he resolved to goe the nexte mornynge to the kynge, with all his lawnces, and many other voluntarie gentlemen, with a commaundment that none should carrie baggage, but merely a shirte.