The Clerke of the Hamper (M1M1 li); the receyvor of the Duehey of Lancaster (iiij m1 li); and lackinge this yere of the Duehey of Cornewall (M1 M1 li) the office of the receyver of Wardes Landes (iiijm li) and lyveries; and likewise lackinge this yere of the revenues of the merques of Exitors (M merks) landes, with many other thinges insident to the forsaid Office, amountinge yerely in the hole to xiiij™ li or there abowtes, now taken of them by warrauntcs directyd from the Kinges Matie and his honorable counsaill, as more at large shall apere in a boke almoste made by the Surveyors, declaring the hole intere office of generall Survey, which prevencion of receiptes hathe and clerely shall disorder the same Office, bringinge ordenary Eeceiptes furre owte of their righte course, whiche (as it is said) hathe byn the chefest releaff of the furniture of the same Thesaurer; and withoute the same thinges reduced mto tke oldc otdet and taade, shall uot be able to paye any foreyn Warrauntes or Depechis, but onely the bare ordenarye. Therfore it is very neccssarye and mete to consider the state of this Office.