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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 December 2009
page 138 note a The first letter is written over, and is not clear. According to Maitland the Lord Mayor was Sir George Bolles.
page 140 note a Perhaps this should be “Since, to the said,” &c.
page 142 note a Sir Henry Montague.
page 142 note b Apprentice to Mary Fitch,
page 143 note a “With” in MS.
page 146 note a The Earl of Suffolk.
page 146 note b Pieces.
page 147 note a “relinquentes,” MS.
page 147 note b “and,” MS.
page 147 note c “seache,” MS.
page 151 note a Interlineations, containing, I presume, the alterations made in Committee, are printed in italics ; words erased are given in the footnotes.
page 151 note b against patentees of.
page 151 note c and forfeitures of.
page 151 note d and yet.
page 151 note e by the importunitye and untrue suggestyons.
page 151 note f preventinge the.
page 151 note g that it would please.
page 151 note h it ys.
page 151 note i lybertyes, powers, facultyes.
page 151 note k and.
page 152 note a your Malto.
page 152 note b of this present parlement.
page 152 note c libertyes.
page 152 note d powers, facultyes.
page 152 note e by the.
page 152 note f in the Kinges courtes of record.
page 152 note g elswhere.
page 152 note h the subjectes within this realme that nowe are, or hereafter shalbe, be nowe and hereafter shalbe.
page 152 note i libertye.
page 152 note k or letters pattentes.
page 152 note l or to doe or practise any thinge by pretext of.
page 152 note m the.
page 152 note n in the courtes of record afforesayd.
page 152 note o same.
page 152 note p R 2, and shall alwayes after be and remayne a person disabled to be in any comission, or to beare any office in the commonwealth.
page 152 note q sue against.
page 153 note a and herafter to be made
page 153 note b priveledge of
page 153 note c and
page 153 note d intent or invencion
page 153 note e for the terme of eleven yeares or under
page 153 note f before the making of this acte, or as
page 153 note g no
page 153 note h prescribed
page 153 note i and
page 154 note a for th'only use of his Matie, his h[ei]rs, and successors, for the good of the realme and State,
page 154 note b nor
page 154 note c in any wise
page 154 note d of