east asia
rose kerr and nigel wood: science and civilisation in china, vol. 5, chemistry and chemical technology, part xii: ceramic technology. 918 pp. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2004. £120.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 329-331
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charles r. stone: the fountainhead of chinese erotica: the lord of perfect satisfaction (ruyijun zhuan), with a translation and critical edition. viii, 271 pp. honolulu: university of hawai‘i press, 2003.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 331-333
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sy ren quah: gao xingjian and transcultural chinese theater. xi, 225 pp. honolulu: university of hawai'i press, 2004. $48.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 333-335
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richard curt kraus: the party and the arty in china: the new politics of culture. (state and society in east asia series.) xi, 247 pp. lanham/boulder/new york/toronto/oxford: rowman and littlefield, 2004. £57 hardback, £20.95 paperback.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 335-336
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charles benn: china's golden age: everyday life in the tang dynasty. xxiv, 327 pp. new york and oxford: oxford university press, 2004. £9.99.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 336-337
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douglas slaymaker (ed.): confluences: postwar japan and france. (michigan monograph series in japanese studies, 42.) vii, 185 pp. ann arbor: center for japanese studies, university of michigan, 2002. $60.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 337-339
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maeda ai: text and the city: essays on japanese modernity. (edited and with an introduction by james a. fujii.) xv, 392 pp. durham, nc: duke university press, 2004. $89.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 339-340
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michael. f. marra (ed. and trans.): kuki shu¯zo¯: a philosopher's poetry and poetics. xi, 357 pp. honolulu: university of hawai'i press, 2004. $56.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 340-342
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charles k. armstrong: the north korean revolution, 1945–1950. xiii, 265 pp. ithaca and london: cornell university press, 2004. $19.95 paperback.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 342-343
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south-east asia
volker grabowsky and andrew turton (eds): the gold and silver road of trade and friendship: the mcleod and richardson diplomatic missions to tai states in 1837. chiang mai: silkworm books, 2003.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 343-345
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other books received for review
other books received for review
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 06 September 2005, pp. 346-347
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