Among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, is preserved a highly curious volume, written at the commencement of the fourteenth century, containing a miscellaneous collection of pieces in verse and prose, apparently the production of an Irish Ecclesiastic, and chiefly of a satirical description. Most of these pieces are in English or Latin, and there is great reason to conclude that they are from the pen of Friar Michael Kyldare, who is expressly named as the author of a Ballad, fol. 10, and who is erroneously assigned by Ritson, in his Bibliographia Poetica, to the fifteenth, instead of the thirteenth and beginning of the succeeding century. But towards the close of this MS. (which, from the folios having been strangely misplaced, is very difficult to follow in the order of contents,) occurs an extremely interesting Poem, written in the ancient or Norman French language, contributing in a remarkable degree to throw illustration on the early topography and history of the town of New Ross, in Ireland, and on this account I trust the Society may not deem it unworthy of its being submitted to their notice.