1. For four consecutive years, each one of four herds of 13 cows and calves grazed land stocked and fertilized at one of the following combinations of rates (ha/cow, kg N/ha): 0·61, 82; 0·51, 82; 0·51,203 and 0·40, 203.
2. The Devon and Devon × British Friesian cows present in each herd reared calves by Devon bulls. Calving occurred indoors over the period February to April, the cows having been housed in early December.
3. Live-weight gains of calves to weaning in mid-October did not differ between herds in any year. Live-weight increase of cows over the grazing season was similar and substantial in all herds. On average pure-bred calves were 25 kg lighter at weaning than the cross-bred calves.
4. The main difference between treatments was in quantity of grass conserved and it was only in the herd kept at 0·51 ha/cow, 203 kg N/ha that enough was made to supply all the energy needs of the herd for a 150-day winter.
5. Gross margins/ha were greatest at the higher rate of nitrogen application but no further improvement was evident at the maximum stocking rate. The importance of maximizing output/animal is discussed.