“On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog,” says one canine to another as they sit in front of a computer in the classic New Yorker cartoon. This can also apply to those who seek or provide medical care online. On the Internet, nobody knows if you're male or female, elderly or adolescent, fit or obese, hirsute or bald, virile or impotent. In addition, in many cases, nobody knows if the “physician” or “pharmacist” on the other end of the line is a properly licensed physician or pharmacist, where they are located, what the knowledge level or training of the consulting practitioner is, or whether the medications being shipped are of the appropriate level of quality, potency or dosage. And, if the ease with which one is able to procure pharmaceuticals online is any indication, there are plenty of unscrupulous entrepreneurs selling drugs on the Internet who do not appear to care.