Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 May 2018
1 Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 133 S. Ct. 1659 (2013).
2 Int'l Shoe v. State of Washington, 326 U.S. 310 (1945).
3 Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134 S. Ct. 746 (2014).
4 Citing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and noting that it “does not allow for private rights of action.”
5 22 C.F.R. Part 130 (Political Contributions, Fees and Commissions).
6 Case C-523/10, Winstersteiger AG v. Products 4U Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, ECLI:EU:C:2012:220 (CJEU Apr. 19, 2012); Joined Cases C-509/09 & C-161/10, eDate Advertising and Others, ECLI:EU:C:2011:685 (CJEU Oct. 25, 2011).
7 Ralf Michaels, Two Paradigms of Jurisdiction, 27 Mich. J. Int'l L. 1003, 1027–29, 1045 (2005).
8 Id. at 1045.
9 United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598 (2000).
10 See Restatement (Fourth) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, §203, cmt. a (tentative draft no. 3, Mar. 20, 2017) (not yet approved by the members of and not yet the position of the American Law Institute).
11 Id., §203, Reporters Notes 2 (Rationales for the Presumption).
12 See generally Kahneman, Daniel, Maps of Bounded Rationality: Psychology for Behavioral Economics, 93 Am. Econ. Rev. 1449 (2003)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Poulsen, Lauge N. Skovgaard, Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties, 58 Int'l Stud. Q. 1 (2014)Google Scholar; Poulsen, Lauge N. Skovgaard & Aisbett, Emma, When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning, 65 World Pol. 273 (2013)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Jolls, Christine, Sunstein, Cass R. & Thaler, Richard, A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics, Stanford L. Rev. 1471 (1998)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Ko, Haksoo, Behavioral Law and Economics, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics 1 (Backhaus, Jürgen ed., 2021)Google Scholar, available at
13 Benforado, Adam & Hanson, Jon D., Legal Academic Backlash: The Response of Legal Theorists to Situationist Insights, 57 Emory L.J. 1087, 1118 (2008)Google Scholar.