Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2017
1 Law No. 17 of Jan. 3, 1946, published in “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 3, Feb. 5, 1946.
2 Art. 3, Law No. 17, loc. cit.
3 Art. 2, ibid.
4 See Doman, Nicholas R., “Postwar Nationalization of Foreign Property,” 48 Columbia Law Rev. 1146 (1948)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
5 Law No. 87 of March 8, 1946, published in “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 13 of April 19,
6 Art. 2, Law No. 87, loc. cit.
7 Art. 7 (3), ibid.
8 Art. 34, ibid.
9 16 Dept. of State Bulletin 28 (1947).
10 Law No. 245 of May 12, 1949, published in “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 34/1949.
11 Law No. 8 of Jan. 3, 1951, published in “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 2/1951.
12 “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 23/1951, and No. 25/1953.
13 “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 4/1951.
14 “Monitor Polski,” No. A-102/51.
15 “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 56/49, No. 7/50, No. 39/50, No. 46/50, No. 9/51, No. 25/5 and No. 45/51.
16 “Dziennik Ustaw,” No. 33/52.
17 Rudolf L. Bindschedler, La Protection de la Propriété Privée en Droit International Public 262 (1956).
18 T.I.A.S., No. 4545; 43 Dept. of State Bulletin 226 (1960) ; reprinted below, p. 540.
19 Art. 1 of Agreement, below, p. 540.
20 Art. 2 of Agreement, ibid.
21 Settlement of Claims by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States and its Predecessors, p. 231 et seq. (Washington, D. C: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1955).
22 Art. 3 of Agreement, below, p. 541.
23 Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1954, 68 Stat. 1279.
24 Art. 4 of Agreement, below, p. 541.
25 Art. 5 of Agreement, ibid.
26 See p. 543 below.
27 Letter of July 16, 1960, by the representative of the Polish Government to the Government of the United States, below, p. 544.
28 Regulations of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Title 45 of Code of Federal Regulations, Secs. 531.1 (e) and 531.2 (as amended on Aug. 16, 1960).
29 Regulations, Ibid., Sec. 531.5.
30 Sec. 8 (c) of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended (64 Stat. 12; 22 U.S.C. 1625 et seq.).
31 Sec. 4 (f) of the Act, ibid.