Some time ago when leaving my laboratory I happened to notice a large number of cheels gliding overhead that seemed to me to show something unusual in their mode of flight. I guessed that they were after locusts, a flight of these insects having passed over Agra three days previously. On reaching my house I found, with the help of my binocular, that my conjecture was correct. The following are the notes that I took at the time:—
IIth August, 1915, 3.0 p.m. A few small thin clouds. Air rather hazy at a height. Wind S, occasionally moving small branches.
A large number of cheels were gliding in a way that seemed to me unusual. They were at heights between 200 and 400 metres. They were generally slow–flex–gliding and did so in all directions and with frequently changing course. Two were seen rapidly losing height, feet foremost. Occasionally they dived or at least glided steeply downwards at speed.