Welcome to our Latin American Studies Hub, where you can browse all our books and journal articles in this area of study!
Have a book proposal or an idea for a new journal project? Contact our acquisitions editors:
- Cecelia Cancellaro - History, Books
- Rachel Blaifeder - Politics, Books
- Chris McKeen - Latin American Studies, Journals
Recent Award Winners
Recent Award Winners
Afro-Latin America series
Series editors: George Reid Andrews and Alejandro de la Fuente
Afro-Latin America
Afro-Latin America
- Book
Black Legend
- Book
Patchwork Freedoms
Afro-Latin America
Featured Journals: Latin American Studies
- Journal
The Americas
- Journal
Latin American Antiquity
New titles in Latin American Studies
- Book
Mobilizing Teachers
Journal of Latin American Studies Podcasts: In Spanish and English
Los editores de JLAS se reunieron para hablar sobre el proceso de revisión de la revista, qué tipo de artículos estamos buscando y cuáles son algunos de los errores comunes que los autores deben evitar. Grabamos esta conversación y la puedes escuchar en español aquí..
The editors of JLAS got together to talk about the journal’s review process, what kinds of articles we are looking for, and what are some of the common pitfalls for authors to avoid. We recorded this discussion, and you can find it here in English.
Cambridge Latin American Studies series
Series editors: Kris Lane and Matthew Restall
Cambridge Latin American Studies
Cambridge Latin American Studies
Visit our Cambridge Latin American Studies series page to see a full list of titles.
Don't forget to tune into our YouTube channel to watch videos with your favorite authors in Latin American Studies:
- Rafael Cardoso with Alejandro de la Fuente and Barbara Weinstein on Modernity in Black and White
- Juan José Ponce Vázquez with Kris Lane on Islanders and Empire
- Erica L. Ball, Tatiana Seijas, and Terri L. Snyder on As If She Were Free
- Alejandro de la Fuente and Ariela J. Gross on Becoming Free, Becoming Black
- Erin Kathleen Rowe on Black Saints in Early Modern Global Capitalism
- Jeffrey L Gould on Solidarity under Siege
Please also visit our Facebook page to watch a "Lockdown Lecture" with Kris Lane and Matthew Restall, authors of Latin America in Colonial Times (along with the wonderful Merry Wiesner-Hanks, author of Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe).